Based on client preference the Anxiety and Depression Center offers in person or telehealth treatment. We are fully equipped to offer HIPPA compliant video sessions to new and existing patients throughout California.

About Our Center
Our compassionate, experienced team of psychologists and psychotherapists are experts in effectively treating children, adolescents and adults who struggle with anxiety, depression, mood or behavior problems. We deliver the highest-quality, scientifically supported treatment based on what research shows to be effective.

CBT for Anxiety & Depression
We specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an active, structured form of psychological treatment that has proven to be highly effective for anxiety and depressive disorders. CBT often produces lasting results in a limited period of time, teaching practical coping skills and strategies to help you feel better.

Expertise with Children & Teens
Our child psychologists are specially trained to work with children and teens, incorporating age-appropriate strategies that get results. We teach your child skills that can last a lifetime. In addition, we work extensively with parents, providing the support and guidance necessary to ensure the greatest progress for your child.
Mind Over Mood
Anxiety & Depression Center founder Dr. Dennis Greenberger co-wrote Mind Over Mood to help people suffering from mood disorders including depression, anxiety, anger, guilt and shame. It is a clear, concise guide that shows you how the proven and powerful principles of cognitive therapy can improve your life. With over 1,000,000 copies sold, it is often recommended as a valuable self-help resource, and, when indicated, our clinicians use it as workbook to supplement treatment.